Monday, October 21, 2013

Canon Photomarathon 2013 University Edition

In celebration of the Filipinos’ eye for good photography, Canon Marketing Philippines gears up for its first-ever Canon Photomarathon University edition on October 26, Saturday at the 402-year-old University of Santo Tomas.

Now on its eighth run, Canon Photomarathon is a one-of-a-kind, one day on-the-spot photo contest that challenges participants’ creative instincts by creating theme-inspired photographs under time pressure. The competition is open to all students – grade school, high school, college and post-graduate studies – with Canon digital cameras. Registration is free. Students can choose to compete between two categories: Digital Cameras with Interchangeable Lenses and Compact Cameras.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Being a mother is the greatest achievement of a woman. It is the fulfillment of a woman's existence in this world. There is a saying that a woman can not pay on what her mother has done for her life unless she too would be a mother. That is definitely so true. It is because once you are a mother, you will understand how a mother feels about your kids.

Motherhood is exciting but it also cause insecurities particularly when you see the result of your pregnancy....stretch marks. These marks that is so ugly to see on your belly, breasts, legs or arms and make us women scare to wear swimsuits and what else? Worry that we would look no longer sexy to the eyes of our men. Well, there is now a solution and be worry free about stretch marks. A new product from the home of the best beauty products in the world is now available in the Philippines.