Friday, February 10, 2012

Affordable Compliance Pack from Watsons & Unilab

Just a year and half ago, Watsons Pharmacy, in partnership with Unilab (one of the trusted pharmaceutical companies in the Philippines), launched the country’s first Compliance Pack program to help improve health outcomes of people afflicted with chronic diseases. The product was launched mainly for all Filipinos suffering from hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and other diseases that need constant medications but with minimal financial capacities.

“It’s high time for patients to win over chronic illnesses and take charge of their health & well-being. Through this program, we want to build awareness on medication compliance as a vital tool for therapeutic health, especially when it comes to chronic conditions. This is because, despite having these illnesses, it’s still possible for patients to enjoy healthier, quality lives,” said Watsons Health Business Unit Director Lyle Morrell.

Since the launched, thousands of patients have benefited from the compliance pack and inspired by the positive affirmations from patients, Watsons pushes the envelope further by relaunching the Compliance Pack program that’s even more affordable, informative and rewarding.

More Reasons to Comply!

Happy and healthy living can be achieved with Watsons Compliance Packs.

Prescription lapses can worsen one’s illnesses and make it difficult for patients to cope with complications. Thus, the new Watsons Compliance Pack program aims to help in managing patients’ health issues easier and hassle-free with the following benefits:

More Savings. Now, with as much as 80% savings versus leading brands, Watsons Compliance Packs are sold in packs of 30s for easier compliance in taking the daily medications. Prices have been brought down further to enable more patients to afford it.

New Quality Healthcare Partner. Now in partnership with Unilab, patients are assured of gold-standard, quality formulation of commonly prescribed medications like Amplodipine, Losartan & Metoprolol for hypertension, Metformin for diabetes and Simvastatin for high cholesterol.

More Informative & More Rewards. Each pack contains a product leaflet that has valuable information on the disease, sensible tips on how to stay healthy and a suggested diet plan. It even gets better with more rewards from partner brands like Omron, Accucheck, Health First & High Precision, Wheatgrass and other partners to help patients manage their diseases better.

Exclusively available at Watsons, the program aims to strengthen Watsons advocacy of not just offering effective yet affordable medication Filipinos but strengthening awareness and education for improved disease management.

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